In JHAH, patients are correctly identified using: 

Potassium Chloride is a concentrated electrolyte that is approved to be stored in the below clinical units in Dhahran hospital as per the JHAH medication administration policy (Check MSP-116-9 attachment B)

Select the medications that are classified as high alert medications (multiple choice) as per the JHAH high lert medication list (MSP-116-9 attachment B)

Select the correct statements regarding the JHAH list of "look alike and sound alike medications" (MULTIPLE CHOICE)

Once the below multidose injectable Heparin vial is punctured , the below data must be recorded on the label

How do we reduce the risk of errors associated with LASA (look alike sound alike) medications ?

What education and training activities does JHAH offer employees to improve the safety of high alert medications and LASA (look alike-sound alike) medications , select all applicable choices (MULTIPLE CHOICE)?

Where can i find a list of approved and prohibited JHAH medication related abbreviations

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