Help / Creating trainer accounts

Adding Trainers to your FlexiQuiz account

Trainers typically have limited access to specific quizzes based on the permissions set by the account Admin.

Trainer accounts allow you to collaborate effectively on selected quizzes while still keeping important information secure.

You can add Trainers if you are an account Admin with a FlexiQuiz Premium, Enterprise, or Enterprise+ plan. Depending on the number of seats available.

How to add Trainers

  1. Log in to your FlexiQuiz account and select Users from the top menu. Your user dashboard will appear.
  2. FlexiQuiz users dashboard with button to add new Trainer
  3. Then click +New user, and the user profile page will appear.
  4. At a minimum, fill in the following fields:
  5. Username: The Trainer's email address they will use to log in to their FlexiQuiz account.

    Password: FlexiQuiz has randomly generated a password, but you can delete this and create your own. The Trainer can update their password when they login to their workspace.

    User type: Select Trainer from the drop-down menu.

    FlexiQuiz Trainer profile page
  6. Next, set the user-level permissions to determine what the Trainer can access. More details about each permission are below.
  7. Then, you can include additional information such as first name, last name, and email address.
  8. You can also assign quizzes or groups for the Trainer to take as a quiz-taker or to manage as a Trainer.
  9. Finally to add the new user, click Add user.
  10. A window will now pop up giving you the option to send a welcome email to the new Trainer. Click the down arrow to customize the email and send. Click Don't send a welcome email to add the user and not send a welcome email.
  11. pop up window with buttons to send a welcome email or not send a welcome email

Permissions for Trainer or Admin accounts

Permission Functionality

Manage users

Trainer's can only view and manage user's who they create or are part of an assigned quiz or group. Trainers cannot automatically access all users on the main Admins user dashboard.

Trainers can do the following:

  • View the user dashboard that lists their Respondent, Trainer and Admin portals.
  • Create new Respondent portals manually or using bulk upload.
  • Suspend portals.
  • Reset passwords.
  • Assign users to a quiz and group.
  • Trainers cannot change an Admins role or permissions.

Manage groups

Trainers can only view and edit assigned groups.

Trainers can do the following:

  • Create new groups and assign themselves as a Trainer.
  • View users and quizzes part of assigned groups.
  • Assign quizzes and users to a group.
  • Set up Respondent portal self-registration.

Create/ edit quizzes

Trainers can only view quizzes they create or that they are assigned.

Trainers can do the following:

  • Access their main dashboard with all assigned quizzes and quizzes they create.
  • Add folders.
  • Create new quizzes or learning materials.
  • Access to all features on the Create screen such as adding questions or learning content.
  • Edit questions on existing quizzes.
  • Add questions to the question bank.
  • Copy quizzes.
  • Merge tests.

Delete quiz/ results

Trainers can delete Respondent portals, quizzes and results.

Important! We are not able to recover any data that is deleted.

View question bank

Trainers will also need the create / edit quizzes box checked to access the question bank.

Trainers can do the following:

  • Add, edit, delete question categories.
  • Add questions to the bank.
  • Bulk uploading questions.
  • View, edit and delete all existing questions in the bank. You cannot recover deleted questions.

Configure quiz

  • Access and editing rights on the configure screen
  • Access to certificates, notifications, sell, results, theme, grading, and the general screen to add logos, quiz time limits, or more

Publish quiz

  • Access to the Publish screen
  • Open and close assigned quizzes
  • Distribute tests using the quiz link or email invites
  • Create and customize the registration page
  • Delete email invitees
  • Assign quizzes to groups or user accounts

Analyze/ reports

  • Access to the analyze screen to view results and reports for everyone who has taken the test
  • Download copies of quiz certificates
  • Change scores
  • View the answers given by each quiz taker
  • Export reports to an excel or PDF file
  • Retrieve the users URL if using save and continue

Top Tip! You can change the Trainer's permissions anytime.

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between a Trainer and Admin account?

Admins have access to all quizzes based on the permissions you set.

Trainers can only access quizzes that they create or you assign to them.

Relevant help guides:

How to make an online quiz

How to make a live quiz game

How to build a course

Quiz configuration options

Ways to distribute your online test

Account settings
